Introducing pop newcomer Inés Rae with the original ‘New Girl’

Y’all know that pang of jealousy and insecurity that kicks in when your ex starts a new relationship? Yep, well pop newcomer Inés Rae is bringing that swirling mess of emotions to life in her debut single ‘New Girl’, which also reveals the contradictory attitude on the side an her ex who still holds onto their shared past despite posting about their new beau across socials. Long story short, love is complicated.

“This is my first ever release!! I’m so excited to see how people will react to my music, it feels like it’s been a long time coming because I’ve been writing and recording songs for just over four years now. I loved writing ‘New Girl’, coming up with lyrics and melodies in the studio with an incredible team was the funnest thing ever. I hope people love it as much as I do, I like to think it’s catchy, relatable and after all I am the New Girl 🙂 (but I won’t steal your man lol).”

Playing up on the double meaning of “new girl” in her song, the 19-year-old songwriter approaches her introductory song with a sophistication telling of her four years of work behind the scenes. That being said, Inés Rae still comes across as youthful, exciting and totally relatable. The pop world has a serious new contender.

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