On The Record: Azu Yeché

Today, Azu Yeché launches his soulful new single ‘Leave Me Now’. It’s a tender heart-on-sleeve number that shows off the London-based artist’s crooning vocals and poetic sensibilities. After riding life’s ups and downs, his music has such an old-soul quality that’s bound to connect on a deep level with listeners. With that in mind, we wanted to get to know Yeché a little better, so for this On The Recorded feature, the British-Nigerian musician opens up about what music means to him, his inspirations, some personal insights into his life, and what else he has lined up for this year.

For those who have never heard of Azu Yeché, who are you and what is your music about?

I’m a London based British- Nigerian. My music tells stories that have shaped me from growing up in Nigeria , moving to England, relationship & friendship woes, childhood joys and traumas. Sonically so far, it has mixed African elements into soul music.

Let’s talk about your latest single ‘Leave Me Now’, what does this song mean to you?

Leave Me Now was written as an ultimatum from a viewpoint of being with someone who is not as invested in the relationship. It takes a lot to let go of someone that’s not right for you especially when you love them – it’s one of my favourite songs.

What do you hope listeners will take away from this track?

That it’s important to be confident enough to stand your ground, know what you want and when you’re not getting it and be bold enough to leave if things don’t change.

Who or what are your biggest inspirations?

Curtis Mayfield, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, India Arie, Maxwell, 

Do you have any advice for fellow or future songwriters who want to branch out of their comfort zone?

Just try it – you don’t have to release it, it doesn’t have to define you. Just try, you may stumble on something ggreat and life changing.

What are you grateful for right now at this moment?

I’m grateful that my mum is still here after battling cancer.

What has been the most rewarding highlight of your career so far?

Touring with Lemar last month. Lemar was the first concert I ever went to actually – Must have been 14 or so and I used to sing his song as he was properly the biggest UK male soul singer at the time. So to tour with him was like a full circle moment.

Can you give us some other names that we should be looking out for from the London music scene?


Who would be your dream collaboration?

The band Gabriels,  Corinne Bailey Rae or Nick Mulvey.

And lastly, what can fans expect from Azu Yeché this year?

New singles, more shows, an EP.

You can also listen to ‘Leave Me Now’ in our Soul & Grooves playlist.

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